Well, I haven't seen the musical, but I'm thinking it wasn't quite like Mom's high school reunion, Class of 57, that met today for their yearly get-together. Dad said she wouldn't say whether she wanted to go or not, so he figured he'd go ahead and take her. Then last night, I think he began to think about the whole logistics of the thing. What if she needs to go to the restroom? What if I need to go to the restroom and she takes off? What if she just walks out in the middle of everything? He called and asked if I thought she could make it through. I told him, "Mom will have no problem, whatsoever. The question is, can you make it through the class reunion?" That's what he was concerned about.
They met at Ryan's Restaurant in Joplin which made it quite easy for me to drop by and assist as needed. Mom enjoyed seeing everyone, it appeared. She smiled a lot and greeted each person with a pat on the back and many others with a hug. When I pointed and asked who different people were, she correctly answered, "Nana," "Jerry," "Jim," etc. She had no trouble filling her plate at the buffet, or sitting and eating. We took a little walk midway through, which was a blessing to get out in the sunshine for a few minutes and then headed back for the remainder of the visit, giving Dad a few minutes to speak without worring about where she was. I believe I heard they had only 2 classmates missing this time, from what looked to be about a class of 20 or maybe not quite.
Anyway, they were nice folks and it all went smooth as could be. I could tell Mom really enjoyed it as she went down the row of people, patting each one, smiling and nodding to them. One doesn't necessarily need to speak to be sociable! :) And her classmates were so glad to see her and so kind towards her. It was pretty sweet---I know this affects them, as well. Mom always enjoyed going to her class reunions every year and we were glad she was able to go again this year.